The Trump administration is reportedly considering issuing a new travel ban by executive order that is expected to be released in the coming days. In this video, attorney Jacob Sapochnick discusses what we know about the President’s new travel ban including which countries may be subject to a partial or…
Articles Posted in Somalia
DOS Provides Guidance on Immigrant Visa Processing for Those Previously Subject to the Muslim Travel Ban P.P. 9645 and 9983
Welcome back to the Immigration Lawyer Blog, where we discuss all things immigration. In this video, attorney Jacob Sapochnick provides an important update from the Department of State regarding immigrant visa processing following the cancellation of Presidential Proclamations 9645 and 9983, also known as “the Muslim travel ban.” In this…
Recap of Donald Trump’s 50 First Days in Office, the New Travel Ban, and more…
In this video attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick provides a recap on what has happened during Donald Trump’s first 50 days as President of the United States. On Monday March 6, 2017 President Trump signed a new executive order that will restore the travel ban on citizens of 6 Muslim-majority countries…
Discussion of Donald Trump’s Executive Orders with Jacob J. Sapochnick
In this live stream, attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick discusses the executive orders handed down by Donald Trump and the impact these executive orders will have on immigrants. The most controversial of the executive orders is the order “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals” that was handed down by…