
Immigration Lawyer Blog


Deferred Action for DREAMers: Video explaining the Announcment

The announcement about deferred action for eligible DREAM students caught us pleasantly by surprise. Under the administration plan, illegal immigrants will be immune from deportation, if they were brought to the US before they turned 16 and are younger than 30; if they have been in the country for at…


E2 Visa For Israeli Nationals – המדריך המלא שלך לאשרה מסוג E2 – אשרה למשקיע בארה”ב

The recent news about an E2 visa for Israelis are exciting. The measure added Israel to the list of countries eligible for E-2 investor visas. Once signed into law by President Obama, as expected, the bill will put Israel on a list with more than 79 other countries whose citizens…


KPBS News Story about our Client Ayded Reyes: Winning Proescutorial Discretion

Great News story about our client Ayded Reyes, Attorney Jacob Sapochnick is also interviewed. Reyes was allowed to stay here under a policy announced by the Obama administration last year dubbed “prosecutorial discretion.” It directs immigration officials to focus on prosecuting and deporting serious criminals and those who have repeatedly…


Video: I-601 and New I-601A waiver Key Success Tips

The heart of the extreme hardship waiver application is the determination of extreme hardship to a qualifying relative who can either be a U.S. citizen spouse or parent. Factors USCIS considers when determining extreme hardship include, but are not limited to: 1. Health – For example: Ongoing or specialized treatment…


Video: What is Asylum? A great Overview

Asylum is the legal protection afforded by the United States government to a person who can demonstrate a “well-founded fear of persecution” based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Asylees are distinguished from refugees by their presence in the country. They are seeking…


U.S. Visas for Entrepreneurs: Why do we make it so tough for them to stay?

Most Americans will support legislation to admit more doctors, scientists, and entrepreneurs, but they are deeply divided on the issue of amnesty for illegal immigrants. Our leaders don’t seem to understand the urgency of the situation. They fail to recognize how much the world has changed. Entrepreneurs see abundant opportunities…

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