
Immigration Lawyer Blog


China’s first e-passports to take effect in July

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced on its official website on Wednesday that China’s first electronic passport, introduced on January 30 of this year, will take effect beginning July 1. According to the announcement, the ministry has informed other countries of the electronic passport by providing the new…



Ukrainian and Serbian officials have signed here an agreement on a visa-free regime for short-term travel between two countries. “I am pleased to proclaim that we have just signed a bilateral agreement to ease visa requirements for our citizens,” said Kostyantyn Gryschenko, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, during a press conference…


Saudi Arabia to limit foreigner work permits to generate more employment for its nationals

Saudi Arabia aims to create more jobs for its nationals by not renewing the work permits of foreign workers who have spent six years in the country, the Saudi labor minister said. The current situation calls for strong cooperation between the government and private sector in solving the problem of…


UK Parliament may assist Azerbaijan in simplifying visa regime

British Parliament may assist Azerbaijan in simplifying visa regime between the two countries to develop tourism. This proposal was received from the UK-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Group members, who met with the Azerbaijani Culture and Tourism Minister Abulfas Garayev during their visit to Baku. At the meeting the sides exchanged views on…


Russia, U.S. to agree on three-year multiple entry visa soon

U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle confirmed that Russia and the United States will soon agree on three-year multiple entry visas. At their meeting on Thursday, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and U.S. President Barack Obama announced plans to liberalize visa restrictions for businessmen and tourists traveling between the two countries.…


USA: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs New J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program Website

On June 1 the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) will launch a new J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program website. The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program is a work and study exchange program created to further mutual understanding between the people of the United States and people of…

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