
Immigration Lawyer Blog


Vietnam’s first consulate opens in Japan

The Consulate of Vietnam has officially been inaugurated in Nagoya city, Aichi prefecture with the Chairman of the Central Japan International Airport Co. Ltd. (Centrair), Yukihisa Hirano, being appointed as the honorary consul. Addressing the inaugural ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan, Nguyen Phu Binh said Nagoya is a major economic…


European security standards needed for visa-free travel to EU

The EU will lift visa requirements for Eastern Partnership states if the latter introduce European security standards, a senior official has said. The European commissioner for enhancement and European neighbourhood policy, Stefan Füle, made the remarks at the opening of the second European civil society forum in Berlin on Thursday.…


UK immigration panel recommends up to 25 per cent cut in non-EU entries

UK’s Migration Advisory Committee today recommended that the number of migrant workers coming into Britain from outside EU be cut between 13-25 per cent next year. The MAC submitted a 300-odd page report to the government in which it has said that the number of visas issued both under tier…


Canadian immigration to accept Immigrant Investor applications again

Citizenship and Immigration Canada will again start accepting applications under the federal Immigration Investor Program from 1 December 2010. Applicants under the Immigration Investor Program will need to have a personal net worth of $1.6 million CAD, which doubles the previous net worth requirement of $800,000. Moreover, applicants will be…


New Australian immigration points test in July 2011

Australia has announced changes to its independent skilled migration points test which will go into effect on 1 July 2011. The new immigration points system will put increased emphasis on work experience and high level educational qualifications.Points will continue to be awarded for study in Australia, regional study, community languages,…


Special Cross Border Agreements for Cambodia and Thailand

Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong said yesterday Cambodia and Thailand would sign an agreement next week allowing nationals from each country to cross the border without having to obtain a visa. He said the agreement would be signed during the two-day Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy Summit in Phnom Penh,…


New Zealand: Clearer rules for immigration sponsors

Immigration New Zealand head Nigel Bickel says sponsors will need to meet more specific eligibility criteria and be willing to take real responsibility for ensuring people they sponsor don’t become a burden to New Zealand taxpayers. More specific rules for people sponsoring family and friends to visit or live in…


European Parliament grants Taiwan visa-free access

The European Parliament passed a proposal Thursday to grant visa-free privileges to Taiwanese nationals entering the 28 European countries, following the inclusion of Taiwan in visa-waiver programs for the United Kingdom and for Ireland. The proposal still needs to clear the Council of the European Union before it can be…


Zambians travelling to Ethiopia urged to use VISAs

Zambian Ambassador to Ethiopia Albert Muchanga has noted with concern the increasing number of Zambians being denied entry in Ethiopia due to lack of VISAs. Mr. Muchanga has since appealed to all Zambians travelling to Ethiopia to ensure that they obtain VISA documentation before departing Zambia. He said Zambians travelling…

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