
Immigration Lawyer Blog


UK Border Agency restarts issuing successful Tier 1 (General) applications

On 19 July 2010, the UK Government introduced a limit on the number of initial applications that can be issued under Tier 1 (General) of the points-based system until 31 March 2011. The limit does not affect applications from dependents or applications to extend existing Tier 1 visas. The UK…


India simplifies visa procedures for ASEAN citizens

The Indian Government has agreed to streamline visa procedures for citizens from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and the Philippines, said the Financial Times of India on October 31. Citizens from the four ASEAN nations will be granted immigration visas to enter India at the border. The decision will come into force…


New visa rules to protect Canadians

Canada has admitted recently that its new visa application form, criticized by Russia for seeking sensitive information on applicants’ military service, aims to weed out visitors inadmissible to Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada ‘must protect the health and safety of Canadians, maintain the security of Canadian society and promote international…


Finnish Immigration Officials Mull Citizenship Test

The Finnish Immigration Service is looking into the possibility of introducing a citizenship test in Finland. According to a report in the Turun Sanomat daily, immigrants applying for Finnish citizenship would have to pass the test before being granted the right to a Finnish passport. Officials say the results would…


25 States Considering Arizona-style Immigration Laws

Great article by our Law Clerk, Andrew Desposito about Arizona Style Immigration movement. An immigrant-rights group has released a report predicting that 25 states may try next year to pass anti-illegal-immigration laws similar to Arizona’s controversial legislation. The number of states considering legislation modeled after SB1070, the bill that Arizona…


Russia is considering simpler border passage for Kaliningrad residents

Moscow is hoping for the speedier signing of a border deal with Poland on simpler border passage for citizens of the neighboring Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. The issue is among the highlights during Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s current visit to Warsaw. European laws allow visa-free travel for people living within…


Taiwan moves closer to Europe visa exemption

Taiwan moved another step closer to obtaining visa exemption treatment from Schengen countries after the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) passed a visa liberalization motion for Taiwan yesterday, sending the proposal to a vote at the parliament’s plenary session late next month. James Lee,…


Mauritius, Switzerland sign agreement on short-stay visa waiver

Mauritius and Switzerland on Wednesday signed an agreement on short-stay visa waiver under which Mauritians could stay in the European country without visa for a maximum of three months in a six-month period. Mauritius and the European Community (EC) signed a similar agreement on 28 May, 2009, allowing Mauritians to…

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