
Immigration Lawyer Blog


Immigrant rights advocates V. the Arizona Anti Immigrants Sherrif

Thousands of immigrant rights advocates marched in front of a county jail in Phoenix Saturday in a protest that was aimed at Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s immigration efforts and was marked by a clash between a small group of protesters and police officers. Organizers say the protest was meant…


Singapore Visas – Expat increase creates Economic Fears

For decades this city-state was known as one of the world’s most driven economies. But as Singapore recovers from recession, its residents are questioning a key part of the country’s economic model: its long-standing openness to foreigners as well as a labor force that is not always legal. Singapore has…


Haiti Earthquake and Immigration Reform

As Haiti reels from a devastating earthquake that flattened buildings and left thousands of people trapped under rubble, three Republicans from Florida are calling on President Obama to do what President Bush never did — grant temporary protected status to undocumented Haitians living in the U.S. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart…


What do you do in order to speed up Immigration Reform – put on your running shoes!

Here is a creative idea to report from the the New York Times, four immigrant students set out on foot from downtown Miami on Friday, starting a four-month walk to Washington to protest what they called the Obama administration’s lack of action on legislation granting legal status to illegal immigrants.…


San Diego Immigration Lawyer – Drone aircraft will be used to nab illegal immigrants on California-Mexico border

According to the LA Times, Predator drones, the unmanned aircraft used by the U.S. military in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones, will soon be employed to track illegal immigrants on the Mexico-California border. The drone, will be operated out of the Antelope Valley by the military contractor General Atomics.…


Is Santa checking the Immigration status of kids? – Some Charities do

Here is a good one from the Houston Chronicle. some Houston charities are asking whether children are in the country legally before giving them toys. The Salvation Army and a charity affiliated with the Houston Fire Department are among those that consider immigration status, asking for birth certificates or Social…

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