Articles Posted in Specialty Occupation

In this video attorney Jacob Sapochnick talks visa options for entrepreneurs.


In this video we cover four visa options that allow foreign entrepreneurs to live and work in the United States. These visa options also allow the foreign entrepreneur to bring his or her dependents to live with them in the United States.

Option #1 L-1 Visa for Executives, Managers, and Essential Employees:

There are two types of visas available under the L-1 category: 1) L-1A Intracompany Transferee Executive or Manager and 2) L-1B Intracompany Transferee Specialized Knowledge.

The L-1A category is a non-immigrant visa classification for aliens seeking to work in the United States in an executive or managerial capacity on an assignment of a temporary nature for a U.S. subsidiary or parent company of their foreign employer.
The L-1A visa classification allows a foreign company to transfer an executive or manager to the U.S. subsidiary or parent company. If an affiliated U.S. subsidiary or parent company does not yet exist, the L-1A classification allows the foreign company to send the executive or manager to the United States for the purpose of establishing the affiliated subsidiary or parent company.
L-1B: If the alien is not employed in an executive or managerial capacity, the L-1B visa classification comes into play. To be eligible for the L-1B visa, the petitioner must demonstrate that although the alien is not employed in an executive or managerial capacity with the company, the alien possesses specialized knowledge and can represent the organization’s interests in the United States.

Both the L-1A and L-1B require the beneficiary to have worked abroad for the foreign employer for at least one year within the proceeding three years.

Pro: the L-1 visa leads to a green card

Option #2 E-2 Investor Visa:

The E-2 treaty investor visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows foreign entrepreneurs from treaty nations to enter the United States and carry out investment and trade activities. Investment activities include the creation of a new business in the United States or investment in an existing enterprise. The investment must be significantly proportional to the total investment, that is, usually more than half the total value of the enterprise or, if a new business, an amount normally considered necessary to establish the business.

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In this post, we discuss the top most commonly denied specialty occupations for the H-1B visa program. Don’t be caught in the dark. For more information just keep on watching.

0:19 – Marketing Manager

0:47 – Business Development Manager

1:12 – Technical Writer

1:37 – Computer Programmer

1:56 – Financial Analyst for Business

2:36 – Sales Positions

2:56 – Arts and Fashion

These occupations have been repeatedly denied over the years during H-1B filing season.

  1. Marketing Manager: It is very difficult to receive an approval with this occupation because USCIS has claimed that on the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), the occupation of marketing manager does not require the individual to have a specific degree or a bachelor’s degree at all.
  2. Business Development Manager: This occupation falls under the Market Research Analyst category. We have seen quite a few denials associated with this occupation within the past 2 years. It is difficult to receive an approval for market research analysts, and the rate of requests for evidence issued for this occupation have increased tremendously.
  3. Legal Technical Writer/Technical Writers: We have seen increasing denials associated with this occupation since the last filing season. Extensions have also proved difficult to receive for this occupation. The common reason for denying this occupation is also that the OOH does not require the individual to have a specific degree or a bachelor’s degree at all.
  4. Computer Programmer: Based on recent memos issued by USCIS it is very difficult to receive an approval for this occupation because USCIS does not think that a bachelor’s degree is required for this position.
  5. Financial Analyst for Business: We have seen denials for financial analysts seeking to work for a business that isn’t involved in the financial sector. This applied in a situation where the beneficiary was seeking a financial position within a large restaurant. In this situation, USCIS has questioned whether the degree is a specialty occupation because although the position requires a bachelor’s degree, within the restaurant industry it is not common to require a degree for the position.
  6. Sales Positions: It is very difficult to receive an H-1B for a sales position. We would recommend reconsidering applying for the H-1B visa, or changing your position based on your job description.
  7. Arts and Fashion: Positions that are not specifically geared toward fashion design or graphic design are increasingly scrutinized by USCIS.

If you have questions regarding your H-1B position, please contact our office for a consultation.

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In this video, attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick sits down with international business students studying at INSEAD, a graduate business school in France. Jacob asks them a burning question: Despite all of the obstacles foreign workers face in immigrating to the United States, and the President’s hard-line stance on immigration, are foreign workers still interested in living and working in the United States? Click here to join the conversation.

To learn more about the different visa services we offer please visit our website.

For a first time consultation please contact our office.

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The H1-B visa season is fast approaching. In this video, Attorney Ekaterina Powell, Esq.,  shares our top tips on how to prepare for the H-1B visa lottery and the eligibility requirements for this popular visa.

To read more about the H-1B visa please read our H-1B guide.

For more information and eligibility questions please contact our office.  Remember to follow us on FacebookYoutubeTwitter, and Instagram 


In this video, attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick answers one of your most frequently asked questions: I have a minor US Citizen child. Can I get a green card?


This is a very common question. This question comes to us from a Chinese national who is currently in the United States on an H-1B Visa. This person asks: Can I get a green card based on the fact that I have a minor US Citizen child that was just born in the US?

In this situation because the child is under the age of 21, your child cannot file a petition for permanent residence on your behalf based on the fact that you have a minor child born in the United States. This is a very common misconception. Your child can only file for your immigration benefits once they reach the age of 21. A child must be at least 18 years old in order to petition for immigration benefits for their siblings, and then the sibling must wait for a visa number to become available based on the visa bulletin. You cannot obtain a green card just by having a US Citizen child. If you are in the United States on a visa you must find another way to remain legally in the United States until the US Citizen child reaches the minimum age or find another way to obtain a green card through employment. Parents of US Citizen children, residing in the United States unlawfully, can obtain cancelation of removal for their parents to shield them from deportation/removal proceedings. In this case the child does not need to be 21 years or older.

For more information about this topic please contact our office.

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In this segment, attorney Ekaterina Powell Esq. from the Law Offices of Jacob J. Sapochnick, answers one of your most frequently asked questions: How can I avoid an H-1B visa denial? For the answer to this question please keep watching. For more information about the H-1B visa please click here.


There are 3 reasons an H-1B visa application is typically denied:

  1. If USCIS believes that the position to be filled is not a ‘specialty occupation’ which typically requires a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent;
  2. If USCIS believes the U.S. employer does not need the position within the company;
  3. If USCIS believes the foreign worker does not meet the requisite qualifications for an H-1B visa such as the possession of at least a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent;

These denials can be prevented with careful planning when submitting the initial H-1B visa petition, by evaluating the foreign worker’s degree and credentials initially, and explaining the employer’s need for the position with the initial submission.

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In this segment, attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick answers one of your most frequently asked questions: What options do I have if my H-1B or L-1 visa is denied? For the answer to this question please keep watching. For more information about these visa types, please click here.


Typically, there are two options to rescue a work visa application that has been denied, including an H-1B or L-1 visa petition. Once a work visa petition has been denied, attorneys have 30 days to file either a motion to reopen or appeal the decision based on the facts of the case. Filing a motion to reopen is highly effective in situations where the immigration officer may have overlooked an important fact, misinterpreted the law, or did not consider important factors during the adjudication process. Motions to reopen give attorneys the opportunity to point out important factors that were included in the original petition, that may have been overlooked. Immigration officers are often overburdened by the high volume of applications waiting to be adjudicated, therefore it is not unusual for immigration officers to overlook important aspects of a petition. New evidence cannot be introduced in a motion to reopen. Our attorneys decide which option is the most appropriate on a case by case basis.

For more information please contact our office for a consultation.

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In this segment, attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick discusses the H-1B visa and how the lottery process works. A congressionally mandated cap exists for the H-1B program, limiting the issuance of H-1B visas to 65,000 per year. This is why the H-1B visa is commonly referred to as a ‘lottery’ visa. Individuals holding advanced degrees are exempted from the 65,000 cap. The priority deadline for filing of the H-1B visa is April 1, 2016. For more information about the H-1B visa please click here.

What is the H-1B Program?

The H-1B program was enacted by Congress with the intention of helping American employers seek out distinguished foreign workers who possess the necessary business skills and abilities absent within the American workforce. The provisions of the H-1B program allow qualified foreign workers to attain temporary employment having met specific requirements, while protecting American workers from being negatively affected by the temporary employment of these workers.

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In this segment, attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick discusses the H-1B visa and gives you insider tips on how to file the perfect H-1B visa package. To learn more about the H-1B visa click here. To read our H-1B visa guide please click here.


  • The H-1B nonimmigrant visa petition may be filed starting April 1, 2016;
  • The Labor Condition Application (LCA) can be submitted to the Department of Labor no earlier than six months. Due to this you must include a starting date on the LCA that comes before October 1st, 2016;
  • Regarding US degrees, one must submit proof by way of an official of the school: dean, registrar, etc.;
  • There are regulations that extend the authorized stay of all F-1 students under the Cap Gap exemption;
  • Be very clear with the attorney working on your case as to the kind of position that you will be applying for.

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In this segment, attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick discusses one of our most frequently asked questions: Do I qualify for the H-1B visa? For more information about the H-1B visa please click here.


–Educational or Equivalent Component

In order to qualify the applicant must meet certain educational and/or work related requirements. The applicant must possess a bachelor’s degree, its equivalent, or the necessary work experience to perform the specialty occupation

– Employer/Employee Relationship and Prevailing Wage

To qualify your American employer must sponsor your H-1B visa and be willing to pay you the prevailing wage in order for you to get the visa

– As there are too many people applying, it is very important to apply as early as possible

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