Articles Posted in Terrorism

The Trump administration is reportedly considering issuing a new travel ban by executive order that is expected to be released in the coming days.

In this video, attorney Jacob Sapochnick discusses what we know about the President’s new travel ban including which countries may be subject to a partial or full suspension on entry and how you may be impacted.

For more information, please continue watching this video.


A New York Times articles has revealed the countries that are being considered for a partial or full suspension on entry to the United States. Anonymous sources speaking on condition of anonymity have revealed that the affected countries have been divided into three tiers: red, orange, and yellow.

Each of these tiers is subject to certain restrictions on entry to the United States.

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In this video, attorney Jacob Sapochnick discusses the top 5 reasons a U.S. immigrant may be subject to deportation in the year 2024 and how to avoid falling into these circumstances.

If you would like to know more about this topic, we invite you to watch our video.


There are several reasons that may lead immigration to start the process of deporting an immigrant from the United States to their country of origin. Removal may occur because of certain actions undertaken by the foreign national that violate the immigration laws of the United States.

One of the most common scenarios is where the foreign national did not have the right to be in the United States in the first place. But this is not the only reason a person may be subject to deportation. Other reasons may include crossing the border illegally or even overstaying a U.S. visa beyond your authorized period of stay.

Here we discuss the top 5 most common reasons that may lead to deportation.

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In this Facebook live stream, attorney Jacob Sapochnick discusses immigration under President Donald Trump, and pressing issues that have recently been the subject of much debate in the news, including the President’s desire to end the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, a program that has come under fire after it came to light that the New York City terrorist Saifullo Saipov gained admission to the United States through this program. In addition, Jacob answers your immigration questions.


The Diversity Immigrant Visa Program

The Diversity Immigrant Visa program is a program enacted by Congress, which allocates up to 50,000 immigrant visas per fiscal year to a special class of immigrants known as “diversity immigrants.” Each fiscal year diversity applicants register for the visa program electronically at no cost. Applicant entries are selected at random through a computerized “lottery” system to allocate the 50,000 available immigrant visas for the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. Only diversity immigrants who are natives of countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States qualify for the Diversity Immigrant Visa program.

The Diversity Immigrant Visa Program was established in the 1990s under President George Bush, Sr. for the purpose of making the flow of legal immigration to the United States more diverse. The program sought to give foreign nationals from select countries, the opportunity to gain admission to the United States, provided they were born in countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States, to put them on a more equal footing with foreign nationals with historically high rates of immigration. In this way Congress hoped that the American demographic would become more diverse.

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In this video attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick discusses his thoughts on President Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress which took place February 2017, and the prospects for immigration reform going forward. Click the video below to listen in.

While President Trump intends on staying tough on immigration, he outlined that he is open to working with Congress to reform the current immigration laws, and possibly expanding immigration options for highly skilled workers. We must remember that Trump still has four years ahead of him, so it is too early to understand his plans and what the future of immigration may look like. At the moment, it looks like the President’s main priority will be to secure the border. At a later time we may see the President soften his tone on immigration, and possibly introduce a proposal for immigration reform.

One thing is for sure, the Trump administration is treating overstays and unlawful presence in a much different way than the Obama administration dealt with these issues. Going forward we can expect consular visa applicants to experience delays in the issuance of their visas, especially applicants from territories controlled by the Islamic state. Under this administration, we are seeing that people who were not priorities for deportation under the Obama administration, are now being targeted and removed from the United States for minor convictions. If do not have lawful immigration status or have overstayed your visa it is important for you to know the consequences of remaining in the United States unlawfully. Make sure that you come up with a plan in case of an immigration raid.

Remember that if you have any questions please contact our office or e-mail

Please remember to follow us on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram to catch our next live stream.


In this video attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick provides a recap on what has happened during Donald Trump’s first 50 days as President of the United States.

On Monday March 6, 2017 President Trump signed a new executive order that will restore the travel ban on citizens of 6 Muslim-majority countries for a 90-day period beginning 12:01 a.m. eastern time on March 16, 2017. In addition, the order will restore the travel ban on refugees under the US Refugee Admissions Program and implement a suspension on all decisions for applications for refugee status for a period of 120-days from March 16, 2017.

What you need to know

Beginning March 16, 2017 at 12:01 AM the 90-day ban will be implemented for citizens of Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen who are outside of the United States, who do not have a valid U.S. visa as of the date of the order, or permanent resident card to travel to the United States. Iraq is no longer subject to the travel ban.

What has changed?

1. The executive order removes Iraq from the list of Muslim majority countries, whose citizens will no longer be prevented from seeking admission to the United States.
2. The provision banning the admission of Syrian refugees indefinitely has been removed, although applications for admission will not be decided during the 120-day period
3. Refugees who have already been formally scheduled for transit to the United States by the State Department will not be affected by the 120-day travel ban on refugees
4. No provisions have been added regarding the impact on parole
5. US officials will no longer prioritize religious minorities when considering applications for refugee admission

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In this Facebook live stream, immigration attorneys Jacob J. Sapochnick and Laurel Scott discuss the impact of the President’s Executive Orders, the Ninth Circuit’s refusal to reinstate the travel and refugee ban, and what the future of immigration looks like from here. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page to join in on future Live streams.

By federal court order, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, has decided that it will not reinstate President Trump’s Executive Order “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.” This means that the President’s 90-day travel ban of foreign nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen) will no longer be enforced, as well as the 120-day suspension of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program barring Syrians from seeking refugee admission to the United States. The government is likely to appeal the Ninth Circuit’s decision to the United States Supreme Court or seek a ruling “en banc.”

The Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection released the following statement, “In accordance with the judge’s ruling, DHS has suspended any and all actions implementing the affected sections of the Executive Order entitled, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States. This includes actions to suspend passenger system rules that flag travelers for operational action subject to the Executive Order.” This means that the Executive Order will no longer bar the entry of immigrant and non-immigrant travelers from the seven Muslim-majority countries (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen) until a Court rules otherwise. 

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services issued a statement confirming that USCIS will continue to adjudicate and process applications and petitions filed for or on behalf of individuals in the United States, as well as applications and petitions for individuals outside of the United States, and applications for adjustment of status to permanent residence, irrespective of the beneficiary’s country of nationality. 

For more information about these executive orders please contact our office. Remember to follow us on FacebookYoutubeTwitter, and Instagram 


In this live stream, attorney Jacob J. Sapochnick discusses the executive orders handed down by Donald Trump and the impact these executive orders will have on immigrants. The most controversial of the executive orders is the order “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals” that was handed down by President Donald J. Trump on January 27, 2017. The order temporarily bans the entry of immigrant (LPRs) and non-immigrants (visa holders) from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen for a 90-day period, suspends the entry of Syrian refugees indefinitely, and terminates the visa waiver interview program.

Yesterday, January 28, 2017 a federal judge granted an emergency stay on this executive order. The stay will prevent the executive order from being enforced until a court can decide whether it is legal. The stay does not invalidate the executive order signed by Trump, but limits its enforcement on individuals who have already arrived in the United States. Individuals who have attempted to enter on valid visas, refugee status, or LPR status from the 7 majority Muslim countries must be released from detention.

Below is a summary of the main provisions of the order per the OFFICIAL signed executive order:

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